Know every legal update... before your clients do!

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A screenshot of your website will appear here
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Real-time legal knowledge from any source

As a law firm librarian or knowledge management professional, staying on top of legal and regulatory updates can be an overwhelming task. You need to keep up with the latest from a wide variety of sources – or risk counselling clients with outdated knowledge. Visualping monitors important judicial, legislative, government, and other web pages for you, so you can focus on serving your clients.
Top 25
global law firms use Visualping
of the Am Law 100 uses Visualping

Go beyond your databases – get updates from the source

Get automatically notified when legal information changes anywhere on the internet.
Respond when the legal landscape changes
Get notified within five minutes of legal and regulatory changes, so you can provide attorneys the latest material, as soon as they need it.
Easily understand changes
Open your email alert and see what’s changed with highlighted text snippets and screenshots of the updated page. View before-and-after changes, drawn directly from the source material.

Advanced features built for scale

Provide insights to your team
Keep your team on the same page by sending alerts to popular messaging tools. You can automatically notify everyone, or integrate Visualping into the workflow that suits your team.
More intelligence, less noise
Cut through the information overload by tracking the exact public or private pages you need for relevant updates – no matter how specific, new, or niche.
Dedicated Support

Personalized support dedicated to your success

If monitoring web pages for legal changes is starting to sound a little technical, rely on our team. We'll take care of setting up and managing the pages you want to track, so you can focus on getting to work. Start your 14-day free trial – we’ll make it a breeze.

Dedicated account managers
You'll be assigned an account manager that has experience in competitor monitoring. They'll recommend best practices and help get the most out of your subscription.
Professional training
Visualping is intuitive and powerful. We'll guide your entire team through our advanced features, so you can kick-off your competitor monitoring now.
Quality control
We keep an eye on alert quality and satisfaction across your team. We'll reach out to ensure you're getting maximum value from us all year long.
Use Cases

Don’t miss a single thing

Track the raw material attorneys need to add value to specific client relationships, or provide timely legal counsel.
Legislative activity
Track legislative processes at all levels of government as new billss are written, debated, and approved.
Court opinions and orders
Monitor courts and tribunals for important updates. Track dockets and the latest cases, administrative orders, debate, and newly published opinions.
Regulatory activity
Monitor government agencies and ministries like the FDA and USPTO for the latest guidance, meetings, approvals, penalties, and more.
Competitive intelligence
Add value to client relationships or your law firm by monitoring the legal, marketing, and business development activities of competitors.
Niche news sources
Keep track of the latest news headlines to stay on top of regulatory updates and important corporate and government activity, regardless of how specific or niche.
Client business development
Keep an eye on client websites for news, team changes, and more. Leverage your intel as you reach out with tailored service offers.
Compliance and copyright issues
Watch any web page to ensure compliance with regulations. Monitor clients, third-party vendors, and resellers for fraud, misrepresentation, or impersonation.
Newly issued patents
Monitor the hundreds of millions of patents issued by legal authorities worldwide to keep track of the patent data you need to more easily create an effective patent portfolio.

Monitor for important legal changes with confidence

Save time and skip the stress while supporting your team and your clients with the latest information.
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Find peace of mind
Set it and forget it. Visualping will be on top of it.
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Save yourself time
No more checking and re-checking — go live your life.
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Be the first to know
Beat the crowd on price drops, job opportunities, event tickets and more.

Trusted by 85% of Fortune 500 companies

and the world’s top 25 law firms.
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Used and loved by thousands of businesses

An indispensable tool for the internet era
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Justin Seitz
A great tool to keep an eye out without mashing the refresh button. I use it for all kinds of regulatory work.
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Chelsea Peterson
We use Visualping to quickly monitor sites from state agencies and advocacy groups, supplementing our legislative and political data with press releases, news and other updates.
Google Chrome
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Mathieu Gonidec
I often want to stay posted about some instituational information on some webpages and it helps me get the news as soon as it's out.
Google Chrome

Kickstart your knowledge gathering now

Sign up with Visualping to begin empowering your team and your clients with the latest information.
85%of Fortune 500 companies use Visualping
50,000companies have more than 5 Visualping users
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