Job Board Monitoring: How to Get Job Alerts - Visualping
By Emily Fenton
Updated June 27, 2023
Whether You Want to Apply for Jobs Ahead of the Competition, or Power Your Job Board Monitoring Service with the Latest Updates, Get Job Alerts with Visualping.
Looking to get job alerts for the latest new career opportunities from your top companies of interest? Knowing about the latest postings you may be interested in, and applying ahead of other candidates, gives you a serious competitive edge.
Or, maybe you’re looking to power your job board monitoring service with the latest jobs from company websites and marketplaces across the internet.
Regardless, you can get notified of the latest career opportunities with a website change monitoring tool, like Visualping.
Visualping monitors any web pages for you — such as dedicated career web pages from the companies you’re keen at applying for, or various marketplaces across the internet.
When the tool detects a new job opportunity, Visualping sends you a job opening alert. It includes a screenshot of the page, with the changes highlighted for you to see.
The bottom of the email also includes a link that takes you straight to the web page you’re tracking, so keen job hunters can take action fast and apply for jobs ahead of the competition.
Benefits of Getting Job Alerts
Save Time and Rest Easy
Repeatedly putting time aside to manually check the websites of your top companies of interest is tedious and takes time. Setting up Visualping to automatically monitor the exact web pages you’re interested in for updates saves you a lot of hassle.
Stay On Top of the Latest Jobs
By getting automatically notified of updates, you’re more likely to become aware of the latest jobs faster than if you’re manually checking for them — whether to apply ahead of other candidates and beat the competition, or keep your job board service up-to-date.
To supplement your job hunt, consider checking out Lever -- a robust recruiting platform that hosts job boards from thousands of companies worldwide. Combine it with Visualping alerts for an enriched, efficient job search experience.
With Visualping, users have the option to get free job alerts – that’s checking up to five web pages, once a day, for no cost. Go ahead and get started by copying and pasting one of the web pages you want monitored on Visualping's homepage.
For more time-sensitive job post monitoring, Visualping also offers several subscription options that vary in terms of how frequently the tool checks your pages for changes – from every 15 minutes, to every 5 minutes, for example, for real-time job alerts.
No Need to Manage Privacy Regulations
Visualping is compliant with GDPR, and abides by other data privacy regulations. Visualping manages the user information and alerts, eliminating your exposure to data privacy issues.
A Customer Story: AI Startup Jobs
Scale Up Your Job Board Monitoring & Power Your Service with AI
AI Startup Jobs uses Visualping to automatically track over 500 companies across the internet for new job. The job board monitoring service leverages Visualping to scan the hundreds of company web pages daily to power the online service with the latest opportunities.
Once Visualping detects a change, the updates go straight to the owner, Dan’s, Gmail. Every Monday and Thursday, Dan sends out a blog post with the latest jobs from that week, as well as interesting industry trends and current news.
He also adds the jobs to the massive list of job opportunities on the AI Startup Jobs site, powered by Notion.
Dan leverages Visualping to make the monitoring process much more efficient.
“If I scanned all these job boards and clicked them hundreds of times a day, this would be very inefficient.”
As well as using the website change monitoring tool to help power his service, Dan also felt Visualping is a handy tool for any job seekers looking to stay in the know of what jobs are available on the internet.
“I feel it’s a great use case for people looking for jobs at specific companies. Especially right now, with how the tech industry’s been.”
That’s a Wrap: Get Setup with Job Alerts Today
Instead of spending time manually rechecking the websites and marketplaces for the job postings you’re looking for, use Visualping for automatic job alerts.
Save yourself time and apply for your top jobs right away so you don’t miss out on what could be your next career milestone.
Or, power your job board monitoring service with the latest information by monitoring hundreds of web pages for jobs – and even get notified in real-time.
Interested in learning more about how Visualping can assist with your website change monitoring needs? Check out our pricing and FAQ page for more information, or contact us today – we’d be happy to help.
Want to monitor web pages for changes?
Sign up with Visualping to get notified of alerts from anywhere online, so you can save time, while staying in the know.
Emily Fenton
Emily is the Product Marketing Manager at Visualping. She has a degree in English Literature and a Masters in Management. When she’s not researching and writing about all things Visualping, she loves exploring new restaurants, playing guitar and petting her cats