How to Track Hotel Prices with Visualping

By Emily Fenton

Updated September 19, 2023

How to Track Hotel Prices with Visualping

Finding the best hotel deals has become increasingly important for travelers looking to stick to their budgets. With technology and online tools revolutionizing the way we keep an eye on prices, hotel price tracking has become easier than ever – especially with website change monitoring tools.

Enter Visualping – the leading website monitoring tool that also lets you track hotel prices in a way that’s simple and effective.

As a traveler looking to save, hotel price tracking typically involves manually searching through countless websites and hotel options – stacking up your browser with various tabs, and rechecking the pages to see if there’s a new deal.

With Visualping, you can automatically track hotel prices and get hotel price alerts when there’s a change. Stay informed on fluctuations and discounts that could significantly impact your travel expenses – without doing it yourself.

Let’s get started!

Why You Should Do Your Own Hotel Price Tracking

Hotel price tracking offers a multitude of benefits to travelers on the hunt for the best deals. By monitoring hotel prices, you can save substantially, get your hands on the best offers, and stick to the bounds of your budget – while also landing a hotel that, beyond the price, makes you and your travel party happy. Visualping's hotel price tracking features empower users to make more informed decisions and plan their trips more effectively.

Visualping saves you time and money by automatically tracking changes in hotel prices. You no longer have to manually browse through the black hole of the internet, wasting hours of your time. With Visualping, get alerts when prices drop, or when specific rates become available, so you can get the most value out of your trip – without breaking the bank.

Some Other Options for Hotel Price Tracking

Hotel Price Comparison Sites

Hotel price comparison websites, though convenient on the surface, don’t always provide up-to-date information. They may lack the ability to track specific hotel rates, as well as the more nuanced details you may care about – like whether or not the room has mountain views, or whether the bed’s a king or queen.

Similarly, relying solely on hotel rate tracking apps may result in limited coverage and a lack of customization options.

Manually Checking Hotel Prices

Manual hotel price tracking is usually cumbersome and time-consuming. Rechecking stacks of web pages takes time – not to mention remembering all the prices in the first place, so you can decipher whether a deal is new or not, and whether you’ve already seen something better from the last time you checked.

Hotel Price Tracking with Visualping

This is where Visualping shines.

By sending you price alerts, you don’t have to recheck your tabs and wonder whether or not a deal has dropped on one of your top hotels. The alerts also offer several other perks, including:

  • Up-to-date information, so you know you’re keeping up with the latest deals.
  • Details about the hotels, so you don’t have to click through the site a bunch to learn whether or not the hotel deal has that perk you’re after
  • Keyword alerts, so you only get notified whether the deal has those certain characteristics you’re after.

Up-to-Date and Detailed Price Alerts

Visualping’s hotel alerts are **up-to-date **and detailed because you can monitor any web page on the internet for hotel deals. Simply track the websites you like the best, and you can get alerts when those prices change, so that you have the most up-to-date and detailed information at your disposal.

Visualping saves you the hassle and frustration associated with outdated information and limited coverage.

Keyword Hotel Alerts

When monitoring a page with Visualping, you can set up your alerts so that you only get notified of certain keywords – for example, while the page’s prices may update, you’ll only get a hotel price alert if the changed price also comes with a mountain view, or a king bed.

Next up: a handy step-by-step guide on how you can use Visualping for hotel price tracking. It’ easy.

Want to get hotel price alerts?

Use Visualping to do your own easy hotel price tracking online.
STEP 1: Enter the URL you want to monitor
STEP 2: Enter your email address

Hotel price tracking: how to monitor hotel prices online

Step 1: Input the URL on Visualping’s Homepage Search Field

First, open a web page in your browser and copy the URL from the address bar. Then, visit the Visualping homepage and paste the URL into the search field to access the viewfinder, where you can choose the specific section of the page you wish to monitor.

Monitor for hotel price changes using Visualping

Step 2: Select the Section of the Page to Monitor

To start receiving notifications, select the area of the page that you find most relevant. There is an option to utilize advanced features that can keep you informed of any specific keywords that are added to the page.

Step 3: Determine the Monitoring Frequency for Visualping

Inform Visualping about how frequently you want it to monitor the page for any changes. You have the flexibility to set an interval as brief as five minutes or as lengthy as one month. This enables you to receive notifications at your convenience.

Step 4: Provide an Email Address to Receive Notifications on Price Changes

You will need to provide an email address to receive notifications from Visualping. Ensure that you input the email address that you frequently check to guarantee that you receive all the notifications.


Hotel price tracking is essential for travelers looking to find the best deals and optimize their budgets. Unfortunately, current approaches fall short and come with limitations. Visualping, on the other hand, provides a comprehensive and reliable hotel price tracking solution.

Start using Visualping to track hotel prices online and take advantage of the best opportunities available. Contact us if you have any questions, or would like to learn more.

Happy hotel price monitoring!

Get real-time price alerts

Sign up with Visualping to monitor any prices online and get notified of price changes.

Emily Fenton

Emily is the Product Marketing Manager at Visualping. She has a degree in English Literature and a Masters in Management. When she’s not researching and writing about all things Visualping, she loves exploring new restaurants, playing guitar and petting her cats