Visualping Press Coverage
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Visualping at a glance
Founded in 2015, $8M seed round in 2021
Selected to be part of Google accelerator
HQ in Vancouver, Canada
2 million users from 196 countries
200,000 companies, 85% of Fortune 500
4,000 journalists use Visualping for work

July 2022
"You'll know if your competitor created an excellent new landing page or swapped out photos"

April 2022
"With Visualping, you can track unauthorized changes on webpages or entire sites and get real-time alerts"

April 2022
"Use this app to track changes or updates on any website"

October 2021
"Software like Visualping is helping law firms to monitor regulatory changes by automating the process"

July 2021
"Visualping raises $6M to make its website change monitoring service smarter"

July 2021
"Visualping raises $6M to bolster services targeting businesses using its web monitoring tools"

July 2021
"Visualping raises $6M to build AI-driven improvements into its website tracking service"

March 2021
"Visualping will be part of the 2020 Google accelerator program for startups that leverage machine learning and AI"

March 2021
"Google reveals 12 startups of its accelerator program for startups using machine learning or artificial intelligence"

March 2021
"Visualping raises $2 million to help users scan the web for important changes (including vaccines)"

March 2021
"Visualping raises $2M to help users track website changes — and find open COVID-19 vaccinations"

March 2021
"Visualping raises $2m as website-update platform sets sights on businesses"

March 2021
"Visualping, which tracks website changes (like open vaccination spots) raises $2 million"

February 2021
"Visualping generates alerts when new appointments become available"

February 2021
"Services vaccine hunters are using to automatically check sites for changes include Visualping"

February 2021
"Tips for non-techie fro scoring a Covid Vaccine appointment"

February 2021
"6 real-world tips for successfully booking COVID-19 vaccine appointments"

February 2021
"Tech to stalk available vaccines"

February 2021
"People resort to ticket tout-style software to book vaccine appointments"

January 2021
"The amazing new app that helps you find a supermarket delivery slot"

May 2020
"The app that lets you `cheat` your way to the start of supermarket delivery queue by spotting open slots"

May 2020
"Shoppers use tracking tool to find out when online delivery slots are released"

May 2020
"A new online tool is now letting shoppers jump to the front of online delivery queues by tracking supermarket sites for slots"

May 2020
"People resort to ticket tout-style software to book vaccine appointments"

February 2020
"One of the top Chrome Extensions of 2020"

February 2017
"Visualping can scan Amazon pages to find counterfeited products"