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Latest updates to the Albany, New York RFPs page

  1. Check
    3 days ago
    Change Detected
    The City of Albany has added new bids and RFPs, including the FEURA BUSH WTP HVAC contract and planning services for Tivoli Preserve enhancements, while removing the Waste Transfer Station Development Services RFP.
    Check dated 2024-09-04T04:54:20.000Z thumbnail image
  2. Check
    10 days ago
    Change Detected
    The website has added 1 new bid and 4 additional bids, while removing 3 bids and several RFPs related to climate action, real property assessment, and tree pruning services, all of which are set to close in August 2024.
    Check dated 2024-08-28T02:34:55.000Z thumbnail image
  3. Check
    17 days ago
    Change Detected
    The City of Albany has added two new RFPs for 2024: one for a Pine Hills Historical Resource Survey and another for Planning and Architectural Services for Tivoli Preserve Enhancements, while removing RFPs for Printing Services and Professional Consultant Services related to land conservation.
    Check dated 2024-08-21T00:49:05.000Z thumbnail image
  4. Check
    24 days ago
    Change Detected
    Three new bids have been added, including a maintenance contract for locksmith services and HVAC renovation for the Feura Bush WTP, while five bids related to city projects have been removed.
    Check dated 2024-08-13T23:40:08.000Z thumbnail image
  5. Check
    31 days ago
    Change Detected
    New bids have been added, including a significant 2024 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINING for Sewer Rehabilitation and multiple RFPs for real property assessment, tree pruning services, and land conservation, while four bids have been deleted.
    Check dated 2024-08-06T22:36:42.000Z thumbnail image
  6. Check
    38 days ago
    Change Detected
    A new RFP for 2024-27 Printing Services has been added, with bids open until August 16, 2024, while three previous bids have been removed.
    Check dated 2024-07-30T22:33:35.000Z thumbnail image

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