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Latest updates to the Albemarle Corporation Press Releases page
- CheckyesterdayChange DetectedThe webpage has updated key information regarding Albemarle's leadership and recent announcements, including the introduction of Keyur Shah and the announcement of the Kings Mountain Community Scholarship, while also removing some previous scholarship details and earnings release information.SummaryDifference63%
- Check8 days agoChange DetectedThe page now includes information about the Albemarle Kings Mountain Community Scholarships for high school seniors in STEM fields, with a deadline of December 17, 2024. However, it has removed content related to bromine and its significance.SummaryDifference55%
- Check16 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check23 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check30 days agoChange DetectedAlbemarle has recently been recognized for its wildlife habitat plans aimed at protecting the tricolored bat, and Melissa Anderson discussed the company's commitment to an inclusive culture during a recent NPR interview.SummaryDifference12%
- Check37 days agoChange DetectedAlbemarle Corporation has announced the release date for its fourth-quarter 2024 earnings results, scheduled for February 12, 2025, while several previous news items and reports have been removed from the site.SummaryDifference20%
- Check44 days agoChange DetectedAlbemarle's wildlife habitat plans have been recognized for their efforts to protect the tricolored bat, as highlighted by The Charlotte Observer, while a previous feature on lithium sourcing from Arkansas has been removed.SummaryDifference37%
- Check59 days agoChange DetectedAlbemarle has added a new initiative highlighting its community support efforts, including a recent $150,000 grant awarded to non-profits in Kings Mountain, NC, in celebration of the city's 150th anniversary.SummaryDifference47%
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