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Latest updates to the Avon Community School Corporation, Indiana RFPs page

  1. Check
    3 days ago
    No Change Detected
  2. Check
    10 days ago
    No Change Detected
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    17 days ago
    No Change Detected
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    24 days ago
    No Change Detected
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    32 days ago
    No Change Detected
  6. Check
    121 days ago
    Change Detected
    The change on the webpage indicates that the previous content regarding the request for proposals for Fiber WAN services by Avon Community School Corporation is no longer available, possibly suggesting a removal or update of a Government Agency or Organization Document or information.
    Check dated 2024-05-09T05:30:08.000Z thumbnail image
  7. Check
    130 days ago
    Change Detected
    The recent change on the webpage indicates that Avon Community School Corporation is requesting proposals for self-provisioned fiber construction or services provided over third party networks to establish WAN connections between eligible sites, with the fiber service required to be active by May 1, 2025. This change pertains to a Government Agency or Organization Document or information related to the implementation of a Fiber WAN project within the school district.
    Check dated 2024-04-30T11:59:07.000Z thumbnail image

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