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Latest updates to the Bay City School District, Michigan RFPs page

  1. Check
    4 days ago
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    Bay City Public Schools has announced Rick Seebeck as the new interim superintendent starting November 18, 2024, following Michael Sharrow's tenure, while also celebrating Mike Vincent's recognition with the President's Award from the Bay County Sports Hall of Fame.
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  2. Check
    12 days ago
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    Bay City Central High School is launching an exciting project titled 'REBELLION RISING' for 8th graders, while also celebrating the contributions of their therapy dog, Pippa, who supports students' well-being. Additionally, upcoming performances of 'A Wrinkle in Time' and 'Twelfth Night: A Musical Adaptation' showcase the talents of students in the drama departments.
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  3. Check
    19 days ago
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    The Bay City school district has announced a Special Board of Education Meeting for a Student Discipline Appeal, while also celebrating the success of their Warrior Equestrians and highlighting a partnership with Michigan Sugar for a 9th-grade Biology project.
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  4. Check
    26 days ago
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    The Bay City Public Schools announced a Board of Education meeting on February 3 and highlighted their participation in the Saginaw Valley State University Career Fair, while a previous special board meeting and updates about the crew culture at Bay City Central High School were removed.
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  5. Check
    34 days ago
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    The website has added a celebration of Constitution Day with a resource link, a greeting from high school teacher Amy Graham, and highlights from a successful 'Cinnamon Rolls with your Senior' event, while removing previous content about crew culture at Bay City Central High School.
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  6. Check
    41 days ago
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    Bay City Central High School has announced a Non-School Day for Professional Development on January 20, and highlighted a new school redesign initiative for ninth graders, while also promoting a positive crew culture among students and educators.
    Check dated 2024-09-11T06:34:09.000Z thumbnail image

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