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Latest updates to the Big Spring, Texas RFPs page
- Check7 days agoChange DetectedNew features include the option to sign up for notifications about new bids, while the previous listings of specific bids have been removed, indicating a potential update or restructuring of the bidding process.SummaryDifference75%
- Check14 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check21 days agoChange DetectedSeveral new bids have been added, including multiple chemical bids and janitorial services, all closing on 9/3/2024, while the property demolition and cleanup bid has been removed.SummaryDifference49%
- Check28 days agoChange DetectedTwo new bids have been added, while five bids, including three asbestos abatement bids with a closing date of August 8, 2024, have been removed.SummaryDifference15%
- Check35 days agoChange DetectedA new bid has been added for the Event Center (Bid No. 24-028), which is currently open and will close on 9/3/2024 at 3:00 PM, while four bids have been deleted.SummaryDifference6%
- Check43 days agoChange DetectedNew asbestos abatement and property demolition bid requests have been added, with closing dates in August 2024.SummaryDifference30%
- Check112 days agoChange DetectedThe value Annual Bid Requests - Construction Services 1 Bid City Hall Window Replacement Bid No. RFP 24-019 Status: Closes: Open 5/21/2024 3:00 PM has changed to There are no open bid postings at this time. This change indicates that the bid for City Hall Window Replacement is no longer open for submission, possibly affecting those monitoring bid opportunities related to Government Agency or Organization documents or information.SummaryDifference13%
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