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    10 days ago
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    The website now includes a beta feature for Color, an Automatic Light Dark mode, and an option to Report an issue with dark mode. Additionally, there are new details about Cassidy's alma mater, Louisiana State University, and the latest edit date is now 16 July 2024.
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    17 days ago
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    The page was recently edited on 9 July 2024 at 16:17, indicating a recent update to the website content.
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    40 days ago
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    The recent change in the webpage value indicates that in January 2024, Senator Cassidy voted against a resolution proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders to apply human rights provisions of the Foreign Assistance Act to U.S. aid to Israel's military, which was defeated 72 to 11.
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    44 days ago
    Change Detected
    The value 'Democrat Democrat' has been updated to 'Democratic Democratic' in the webpage, indicating a change from Democrat to Democratic in the political affiliation mentioned in the text.
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    45 days ago
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    The value 'Toggle limited content width' has recently changed to 'Appearance hide Text Small Standard Large Width Standard Wide'. This change represents an update in the options available for adjusting the content width on the webpage.
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    47 days ago
    Change Detected
    The recent change in the web page value from 'Democratic Democratic , Cassidy defeated Democratic incumbent' to 'Democrat Democrat , Cassidy defeated Democrat incumbent' reflects a shift in the political party affiliation from Democratic to Democrat for both the candidate and the incumbent, indicating a change in the political landscape.
    Check dated 2024-06-09T18:18:50.000Z thumbnail image

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