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Latest updates to the Blue Mountain Community College Latest News page

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    2 days ago
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    48 days ago
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    The website has added a notification about a spray pesticide announcement that will be in effect for BMCC Campus in Pendleton and Milton Freewater from July 24, 2024 to November. This is likely to be of interest to users monitoring environmental or health-related updates.
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    49 days ago
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    Blue Mountain Community College received a generous grant from the Wildhorse Foundation to enhance digital literacy in rural communities, as announced by Jordan Monaco on July 17, 2024.
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    70 days ago
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    The change represents the appointment of Mark Browning, President of Blue Mountain Community College, to the American Association of Community Colleges' Commission on Small and Rural Colleges.
    Check dated 2024-06-27T08:54:38.000Z thumbnail image
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    79 days ago
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    The webpage now highlights the journey of Alexis Jones, who joined the JOB program in 2022 and successfully achieved her goal of obtaining her GED, showcasing a story of resilience and achievement.
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    89 days ago
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    The webpage now reflects the recent event 'Celebrating Service 2024,' where Blue Mountain Community College celebrated the dedication and achievements of its employees on June 7, 2024.
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    105 days ago
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    The webpage now includes information about the launch of a new Commencement Celebration Toolkit at Blue Mountain Community College, which is designed to enhance this year's graduation festivities.
    Check dated 2024-05-24T02:02:08.000Z thumbnail image

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