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Latest updates to the Bosqueville Independent School District, Texas RFPs page

  1. Check
    4 days ago
    No Change Detected
  2. Check
    11 days ago
    No Change Detected
  3. Check
    18 days ago
    No Change Detected
  4. Check
    25 days ago
    No Change Detected
  5. Check
    32 days ago
    No Change Detected
  6. Check
    46 days ago
    Change Detected
    The website now displays a '403 - Forbidden' error message, suggesting that the page may have been removed or is temporarily unavailable. Users are directed to visit the homepage for more information.
    Check dated 2024-07-17T10:52:58.000Z thumbnail image
  7. Check
    47 days ago
    Change Detected
    The website has removed a significant amount of information related to administration, campuses, required postings, financial reports, academic programs, health policies, and contact details, while adding a message to check back soon.
    Check dated 2024-07-16T10:18:29.000Z thumbnail image
  8. Check
    48 days ago
    Change Detected
    The temperature has decreased to 76.05˚F, with a lower 'Feels Like' temperature of 77.4˚F, slightly reduced wind speeds at 9.91mph, and increased weather humidity at 86%.
    Check dated 2024-07-15T07:54:20.000Z thumbnail image
  9. Check
    49 days ago
    Change Detected
    The temperature has increased slightly to 77.74˚F, with a higher 'Feels Like' temperature of 79.02˚F, along with an increase in wind speeds to 10.54mph and a decrease in weather humidity to 81%.
    Check dated 2024-07-14T05:49:38.000Z thumbnail image
  10. Check
    50 days ago
    Change Detected
    The temperature has decreased significantly from 86.04˚F to 77.38˚F, with the weather feeling cooler and more humid at 85% humidity.
    Check dated 2024-07-13T04:42:00.000Z thumbnail image
  11. Check
    51 days ago
    Change Detected
    The temperature has decreased to 86.04˚F, with a slight increase in 'Feels Like' temperature, higher wind speeds at 9.13mph, and a slight increase in weather humidity to 53%.
    Check dated 2024-07-12T02:52:42.000Z thumbnail image

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