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Latest updates to the Boyertown Area School District, Pennsylvania RFPs page

  1. Check
    4 days ago
    No Change Detected
  2. Check
    11 days ago
    No Change Detected
  3. Check
    18 days ago
    No Change Detected
  4. Check
    25 days ago
    Change Detected
    New athletic bids have been added, including a cover sheet, directions, bid items, and a non-collusion affidavit, replacing the previous notice stating there were no bids or RFPS at this time.
    Check dated 2024-08-06T23:09:53.000Z thumbnail image
  5. Check
    32 days ago
    No Change Detected
  6. Check
    40 days ago
    Change Detected
    New content has been added, while the Winter Sports Equipment Request for Quotes and related documents have been removed.
    Check dated 2024-07-23T15:36:01.000Z thumbnail image
  7. Check
    52 days ago
    Change Detected
    A new request for quotes for winter sports equipment has been added with a deadline of July 22, 2024, at noon. The page is updated regularly, so users are advised to check back frequently for updates.
    Check dated 2024-07-11T01:48:11.000Z thumbnail image
  8. Check
    86 days ago
    Change Detected
    The value Envelope Bid The District has changed to There are no bids/notices at this time. This change indicates that there are currently no bids or notices available for the user to view on the webpage.
    Check dated 2024-06-07T17:49:40.000Z thumbnail image
  9. Check
    101 days ago
    Change Detected
    The value on the webpage has been updated to 'Tech Ed Bids 2024-2025'. This change indicates that the Boyertown Area School District is now soliciting bids specifically for Tech Ed supplies for the 2024-2025 period.
    Check dated 2024-05-22T23:30:17.000Z thumbnail image
  10. Check
    102 days ago
    Change Detected
    The change on the webpage possibly concerns a shift in the bidding focus from envelopes to Science and Tech Ed Supplies for the 2024-2025 period.
    Check dated 2024-05-21T22:51:27.000Z thumbnail image

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