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Latest updates to the Brooklawn Public School District, New Jersey Latest News page
- Check2 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check10 days agoChange DetectedThe web page has added information about Pre-K and Kindergarten registration, indicating that these programs are now open. However, it has removed details about before and afterschool care services provided by Kids Choice.SummaryDifference16%
- Check17 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check24 days agoChange DetectedThe announcement regarding ACES's schedule has been updated to reflect a two-hour delay on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, replacing the previous notice of a delay on Monday, February 10th.SummaryDifference3%
- Check31 days agoChange DetectedThe web page now includes a notice about a two-hour delay for ACES on February 10th, while the suggested school supplies list has been removed.SummaryDifference13%
- Check53 days agoChange DetectedACES has announced a half-day schedule on March 14, 2025, while the before/after care program interest survey has been removed.SummaryDifference17%
- Check60 days agoChange DetectedA new food pantry, ACES Care and Share, has been added, while updates regarding changes in locations for the summer programs have been removed.SummaryDifference18%
- Check103 days agoChange DetectedThe latest Bears Bulletin has been updated to include a parent survey, while the previous announcement about the Art/Music Extravaganza has been removed.SummaryDifference16%
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