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Latest updates to the Chambersburg, Pennsylvania RFPs page

  1. Check
    Change Detected
    Several companies were awarded low bids for various projects in Pennsylvania, including Joao & Bradley Construction for a $2.7 million water main replacement and CriLon Corp. for a $84,925 bridge repair, while multiple previous low bids were deleted from the list.
    Check dated 2024-09-18T16:11:20.000Z thumbnail image
  2. Check
    8 days ago
    Change Detected
    Recent updates include the addition of snow removal services in public parking lots and various low bidder announcements for significant projects, such as the $4 million Rolling Hill Park and Dam Stream Restoration project, while the Chambersburg Borough Pension Related Legal Services RFP has been removed.
    Check dated 2024-09-11T06:31:21.000Z thumbnail image
  3. Check
    16 days ago
    Change Detected
    Several companies were awarded low bids for various projects in Pennsylvania, including Albert G. Cipolloni, Jr. & Sons, Inc. for curb and sidewalk improvements at $337,992.29, and multiple awards for smaller RFQs, while notable deletions include the removal of previous low bids for various services and products.
    Check dated 2024-09-04T01:03:48.000Z thumbnail image
  4. Check
    23 days ago
    Change Detected
    Recent updates include multiple awarded contracts for various maintenance and repair projects, notably the electric line tree trimming and bridge repairs, alongside numerous low bids for supplies and services, while several previous bids have been deleted from the list.
    Check dated 2024-08-28T00:50:29.000Z thumbnail image
  5. Check
    30 days ago
    Change Detected
    Recent additions include several low bidder awards for various projects, notably the Chambersburg Borough Pension Legal Services RFP and significant bridge repairs, while multiple low bidder entries for projects such as the Route 724 intersection improvements and Main Street Bridge rehabilitation have been removed.
    Check dated 2024-08-20T22:33:39.000Z thumbnail image
  6. Check
    37 days ago
    Change Detected
    New low bids have been awarded for various projects, including significant infrastructure improvements like the Main Street Bridge Rehabilitation and Route 724 Intersection Improvements, while several previous bids, including a notable electrical transmission construction assistance project, have been removed from the list.
    Check dated 2024-08-13T20:03:42.000Z thumbnail image

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