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Latest updates to the Charlotte County Public Schools, Florida Latest News page

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    3 days ago
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    10 days ago
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    18 days ago
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    25 days ago
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    23 participants have completed their Guardian training with the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office, earning certifications for service in local public schools.
    Check dated 2024-08-14T00:26:27.000Z thumbnail image
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    32 days ago
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    Charlotte County Public Schools has received a Space Florida District Designation and will now offer over 23 different courses, while the previous designation of all schools as Safe Places by the National Safe Place Network has been removed.
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    44 days ago
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    The Charlotte County School District has been ranked 24th in the state under a new grading scale, as announced by the Florida State Board of Education, while the previously announced Career Planning Guide for students has been removed.
    Check dated 2024-07-25T17:57:14.000Z thumbnail image
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    73 days ago
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    The webpage content has been updated to reflect that the Charlotte County Public Schools Communications Team has been honored with the NSPRA Award of Merit, recognizing their excellence in educational communications and digital media.
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    80 days ago
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    The webpage content has been updated to announce that Charlotte Technical College has introduced its first-ever mascot, the Sailfish, to promote community values and unity among students, faculty, and staff.
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  9. Check
    81 days ago
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    The value on the webpage has changed from announcing the unveiling of a new five-year Strategic Plan and district brand identity by Charlotte County Public Schools to reporting on the FSBA/FADSS Annual Summer Conference in Tampa attended by over 375 school board members, superintendents, and education leaders for leadership development and training.
    Check dated 2024-06-18T05:40:25.000Z thumbnail image

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