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Latest updates to the Clark County RFPs page
- CheckyesterdayNo Change Detected
- Check9 days agoChange DetectedSeveral procurement opportunities have been removed from the page, including services related to audit, mental health, vegetation mapping, and home health aide services, all scheduled for early 2025.SummaryDifference5%
- Check23 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check30 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check44 days agoChange DetectedNew opportunities added include Audit Services and Homemaker Home Health Aide Services, while the Mark-Recapture Surveys and Printing and Mailing of Taxpayer Correspondence opportunities have been removed.SummaryDifference4%
- Check51 days agoChange DetectedTwo new procurement opportunities have been added: a Mental Health Adult Group Care Services procurement on February 12, 2025, and a Fine-Scale Vegetation Map for Clark County procurement on February 26, 2025.SummaryDifference4%
- Check59 days agoChange DetectedTwo procurement opportunities for mentoring and in-home tutoring services have been removed from the website, both scheduled for early January 2025.SummaryDifference5%
- Check80 days agoChange DetectedNew opportunities have been added for Mentoring & Case Management and In-Home Tutoring Services in January 2025, while several professional services SOQs related to RPM projects have been deleted.SummaryDifference8%
- Check88 days agoChange DetectedThe event has been rescheduled from December 12th, 2024, to December 18th, 2024, at 3:00 PM PST.SummaryDifference3%
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