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Latest updates to the Conemaugh Township Area School District, Pennsylvania Latest News page

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    2 days ago
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    7 days ago
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    New content has been added to help parents prepare their children for the upcoming school year, emphasizing the importance of parental involvement and providing practical tips for easing school-related anxieties, while the section on making reading fun through movie adaptations has been removed.
    Check dated 2024-07-20T10:07:51.000Z thumbnail image
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    14 days ago
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    The website has shifted focus from discussing the negative impacts of video games on children to promoting reading through books adapted into movies, providing tips and strategies to get children excited about reading and comparing movies to books.
    Check dated 2024-07-13T03:02:37.000Z thumbnail image
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    20 days ago
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    The website discusses the impact of video games on children, highlighting concerns such as poor social skills, less reading, less time spent on homework, and weight problems. It provides tips on how parents can help children focus less on gaming and more on homework and healthy outdoor activities as the new school year begins.
    Check dated 2024-07-06T17:32:00.000Z thumbnail image
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    22 days ago
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    The website emphasizes the importance of summer reading for children, providing tips and motivation for parents to encourage their kids to read during the break in a fun and rewarding way.
    Check dated 2024-07-05T16:22:21.000Z thumbnail image
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    27 days ago
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    The value on the web page has recently changed to 'Keep Summer Reading Cool'. This change represents a shift in focus towards promoting summer reading activities and encouraging children to continue reading during the break.
    Check dated 2024-06-30T10:03:03.000Z thumbnail image
  11. Check
    32 days ago
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    The value 'Planning Summer Activities' has been updated to 'Word Clouds'. This change represents a shift in focus from planning summer activities to utilizing word clouds as a fun and educational tool for children's learning during the summer.
    Check dated 2024-06-25T07:47:58.000Z thumbnail image

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