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- Check4 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check11 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check18 days agoChange DetectedThe Danbury Independent School District has adopted a new tax rate that increases maintenance and operations taxes by 1.14%, resulting in an approximate $2.30 increase for a $100,000 home compared to last year.SummaryDifference33%
- Check25 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check32 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check113 days agoChange DetectedThe value District Calendar Menus Classlink SKYWARD has been updated to SKYWARD Classlink District Calendar Menus on the webpage, indicating a reordering of the elements related to SKYWARD, Classlink, and the District Calendar Menus.SummaryDifference7%
- Check115 days agoChange DetectedThe order of the values 'SKYWARD', 'Classlink', and 'District Calendar Menus' on the webpage has been changed to 'District Calendar Menus', 'Classlink', and 'SKYWARD'. This likely indicates a reorganization of the website's navigation or content structure.SummaryDifference7%
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