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Latest updates to the Deming, New Mexico RFPs page
- Check3 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check10 days agoChange DetectedThe page has been updated to include an 'Approved Budgets' section while removing previous fiscal year budgets from 2018 to 2022.SummaryDifference16%
- Check17 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check25 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check32 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check111 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added new features and resources, including a section for community events and a comprehensive plan, while removing various administrative and departmental links.SummaryDifference66%
- Check125 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added a variety of new sections including resources for community services, local events, and government departments, enhancing user engagement and information access.SummaryDifference100%
- Check169 days agoChange DetectedThe Procurement Policy and Guide has been removed, and a new Procurement and Travel Policies and Guide has been added.SummaryDifference4%
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