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Latest updates to the Grand Haven, Michigan RFPs page
- Check2 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check9 days agoChange DetectedNew RFPs for Tree Stump Removal have been added, with a closing date of September 18, 2024, while several previous project bids, including the Abandoned Vehicle Auction and HVAC Replacement Project, have been removed.SummaryDifference80%
- Check16 days agoChange DetectedNew project bids have been added, including the Grand Haven Public Safety HVAC Replacement Project and the Central Park Place Event Support RFP, while the section for accepting bids, RFPs, and quotes has been removed.SummaryDifference100%
- Check23 days agoChange DetectedThe website has removed information regarding the Custodial Services RFP, including its closing date and notice to bidders.SummaryDifference24%
- Check31 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check48 days agoChange DetectedNew RFPs have been added, including the Central Park Place RFP, which closes at noon local time on August 21, 2024, and the Central Park Place Event Support RFP.SummaryDifference24%
- Check56 days agoChange DetectedThe Custodial Services RFP is now open until August 7, 2024, with a Notice to Bidders available.SummaryDifference29%
- Check59 days agoChange DetectedThe 2nd Street Sanitary Improvements Project has been removed from the website.SummaryDifference7%
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