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- CheckyesterdayNo Change Detected
- Check8 days agoChange DetectedThe webpage has been updated to reflect the introduction of significant bipartisan legislation, including the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act and the Defending Domestic Orange Juice Production Act, while previous mentions of other legislative actions and statements by Congressman Bilirakis have been removed.SummaryDifference43%
- Check16 days agoChange DetectedCongressman Gus Bilirakis has co-sponsored new legislation aimed at improving access to care for veterans, highlighting ongoing efforts to support veteran healthcare.SummaryDifference60%
- Check23 days agoChange DetectedA new positive testimonial highlights the prompt assistance provided by an office in resolving a veteran's scheduling issue, while a previous message expressing gratitude for help with a tax refund has been removed.SummaryDifference23%
- Check30 days agoChange DetectedCongressman Gus Bilirakis has praised Governor DeSantis for appointing Attorney General Moody as U.S. Senator and has reintroduced a bill aimed at providing full compensation for veterans, while notable previous initiatives regarding veterans' dental care and hurricane recovery funding have been removed.SummaryDifference41%
- Check37 days agoChange DetectedRecent legislative successes include the signing of the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0 and the Bilirakis Initiative to Expand Veterans’ Access to Dental Care, while a previous letter to HUD and a push for the Major Richard Star Act have been removed from the site.SummaryDifference48%
- Check44 days agoChange DetectedPasco County is set to receive $585 million in federal funding for hurricane recovery, a significant new allocation announced by Congressman Gus Bilirakis.SummaryDifference40%
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