Stay updated on Harriet Hageman, Republican, US Representative, Wyoming at-large

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Latest updates to the Harriet Hageman, Republican, US Representative, Wyoming at-large page

  1. Check
    3 days ago
    Change Detected
    The website has added a new event, 'The Wyoming Round-Up' scheduled for September 1, 2024, along with a newsletter archive and information regarding the transition from self-service travel kiosks, while removing several previous announcements and requests related to environmental and land management issues.
    Check dated 2024-09-04T04:37:16.000Z thumbnail image
  2. Check
    11 days ago
    Change Detected
    Congresswoman Harriet Hageman has recently submitted a letter to BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning opposing the Rock Springs Resource Management Plan, highlighting its potential negative impacts, while notable town hall events and discussions on various topics have been removed from the updates.
    Check dated 2024-08-28T02:22:57.000Z thumbnail image
  3. Check
    11 days ago
    Change Detected
    Congresswoman Harriet Hageman has submitted a letter to BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning opposing the Rock Springs Resource Management Plan, highlighting its potential disastrous consequences, while recent updates include her ongoing efforts to engage with the public on environmental and agricultural issues.
    Check dated 2024-08-28T02:18:21.000Z thumbnail image
  4. Check
    18 days ago
    Change Detected
    Congresswoman Harriet Hageman has added several town hall events, including a recent one addressing border and election security concerns, while previous events from early August have been removed from the website.
    Check dated 2024-08-21T00:05:04.000Z thumbnail image
  5. Check
    25 days ago
    Change Detected
    New content includes an upcoming event titled 'The Wyoming Round-Up' on August 11, 2024, and a town hall meeting featuring Hageman discussing successes and goals, while several older items, including a press release about the Victims’ VOICES Act, have been removed.
    Check dated 2024-08-13T23:11:18.000Z thumbnail image
  6. Check
    32 days ago
    Change Detected
    The website has added significant updates including the announcement of the Wyoming Round-Up event on August 4, 2024, and the signing of the Victims’ VOICES Act into law, while several previous announcements and requests have been removed.
    Check dated 2024-08-06T22:13:06.000Z thumbnail image

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