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Latest updates to the Hockinson School District, Washington Latest News page

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    2 days ago
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    Maren Mayfield-Scott, a second-grade student, won first place in the Hockinson Blueberry Festival's pie-baking contest, while the latest survey results indicate a strong community preference for addressing overcrowding at Hockinson Heights Elementary School and improving safety measures.
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    4 days ago
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    5 days ago
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    6 days ago
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    Hockinson School District has updated its summer maintenance activities, now focusing on the property at the corner of 119th and 172nd Streets, while previously addressing the property at 117th and 172nd Streets.
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    7 days ago
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    The Hockinson School District is currently performing summer maintenance to control noxious weeds at the property located at 117th and 172nd Streets, while a historical article about the dedication of the new Hockinson Middle School has been removed.
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    14 days ago
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    The website has added a notice about the 2024-2025 Budget Hearing, indicating that the Board of Directors will hold a Zoom Digital Public Hearing on Monday, July 29.
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    25 days ago
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    The value 'Summer 2024 HSD By the Numbers' has recently changed to 'Summer 2024 HSD By the Numbers'. This change represents an update in the content related to the district's recent events and achievements, now focusing on the 2024-25 school year.
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    29 days ago
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    The value HHS will be closed for summer starting starting June 24th has been updated to indicate that the District Office will be open Monday - Thursday all summer for any assistance needed, with a reopening date of August 15th.
    Check dated 2024-06-28T13:15:43.000Z thumbnail image

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