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    4 days ago
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    40 days ago
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    The website is currently unreachable, displaying an ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error, while a significant amount of content related to constituent services and recent legislative updates has been removed.
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    54 days ago
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    The Maryland Congressional Delegation has recently celebrated significant victories, including the Senate's passage of the Bipartisan Water Resources Development Act and the Chesapeake National Recreation Area Act, while also announcing over $7 million in federal funding to enhance security in places of worship across the state.
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    61 days ago
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    Senators Chris Van Hollen and John Sarbanes, along with Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon, have introduced the Fair Access to Legal Counsel Act to enhance legal representation in civil courts, while Maryland's Congressional Delegation announced over $31 million in federal funding for low carbon construction projects.
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    69 days ago
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    Recent updates include a Thanksgiving message from Representative Sarbanes reflecting on his retirement and significant legislative progress on the America’s Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Reauthorization Act, which aims to enhance conservation efforts in the Chesapeake Bay area.
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    76 days ago
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    Congressman John Sarbanes issued a statement on the passing of Vincent Leggett, a notable figure in the community, while a previous news item regarding lawmakers urging action on Venezuelan crab meat imports has been removed.
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    83 days ago
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    Congressman John Sarbanes announced his retirement and will not assist with presidential inauguration ticket requests, which should be directed to the next representative in January 2025. Additionally, he and Senator Van Hollen are advocating for the EPA's leadership on Chesapeake Bay restoration and have applauded the committee approval of the Chesapeake National Recreation Area Act.
    Check dated 2024-11-23T04:34:24.000Z thumbnail image

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