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Latest updates to the Laveen Elementary School District, Arizona Latest News page

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    3 days ago
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    31 days ago
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    The Laveen School District will implement a new Wednesday half-day schedule for the 2024-2025 school year, reducing early dismissals from 15 to 1.5 hours weekly to enhance instructional time and support staff development through Professional Learning Communities.
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    51 days ago
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    Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, all Laveen students will receive free breakfast and lunch as part of the USDA Community Eligibility Provision, eliminating the need for families to apply for free or reduced-price meals.
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    93 days ago
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    The webpage content has been updated to announce that Laveen schools are now enrolling new students for August 2024. Parents/guardians are encouraged to visit the Registration page to complete the enrollment process with the required documents.
    Check dated 2024-06-06T13:54:39.000Z thumbnail image
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    108 days ago
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    The value 'Join our Team! Teacher Job Fair is February 29, 2024' has been updated to 'Join our Team! Teacher Job Fair is February 22, 2024'. This change represents a modification in the date of the Teacher Job Fair hosted by the Laveen School District, moving it from February 29, 2024, to February 22, 2024.
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    123 days ago
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    The Laveen Elementary SchoolÔÇÖs eSports Rocket League team recently won the Western Region Middle School eSports Championship on February 21, 2024, beating other middle school esports teams from Arizona, California, Colorado, and New Mexico.
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    133 days ago
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    The webpage has been updated to announce the appointment of Jennifer Goetzke to Laveen's Governing Board, filling a vacant seat. Ms. Goetzke, a resident of Laveen for 17 years and a parent in the Laveen School District, brings her experience as an active volunteer and human resources professional to the board.
    Check dated 2024-04-26T22:27:53.000Z thumbnail image

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