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Latest updates to the Mandan, North Dakota Local News page
- CheckyesterdayChange DetectedThe webpage has been updated to include new drafts of zoning and development ordinances for public review and highlights from Mayor Froelich's presentation at the State of the Cities. Additionally, the February Mandan e-Messenger has been added, while the January edition has been removed.SummaryDifference74%
- Check8 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added information about the upcoming construction of the Collins Ave Water Reservoir and a light unknown precipitation event, while removing details about fair weather conditions and the closure of City Hall offices on January 20.SummaryDifference28%
- Check15 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added information about upcoming water and sewer improvements in the Monte Drive area and the arrival of the 2025 Public Works Brochure, while removing updates on the BNSF Railway project and the Holiday Light Tour Map.SummaryDifference73%
- Check22 days agoChange DetectedCity Hall Offices will be closed on January 20, and a Public Input Meeting for Proposed Improvements to First Streets and Avenues is scheduled for February 3, while the previous closure on January 1 has been removed and the Lower Heart Levee Project bid timeline has been updated.SummaryDifference69%
- Check29 days agoChange DetectedNew entries for the League of Cities 'If I Were Mayor' Essay Contest are due March 14, along with important due dates for property tax exemptions and credit forms.SummaryDifference69%
- Check36 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added important deadlines and updates, including the application for the Primary Residence Credit due by March 31 and a notice about slight utility bill increases in 2025, while removing several holiday-related announcements and updates.SummaryDifference67%
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