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Latest updates to the maropost Pricing page
- Check3 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check10 days agoChange DetectedThe webpage has added testimonials from various business leaders highlighting the benefits of the service, as well as emphasizing flexible pricing options for businesses. However, it has removed specific promotional content and a customer testimonial that detailed segmentation capabilities.SummaryDifference95%
- Check17 days agoChange DetectedThe webpage has introduced flexible pricing options for various services, including specific monthly rates for Marketing, Cloud, and Neto by Maropost, while removing previous pricing tiers and bundle options. Additionally, customer testimonials and a FAQ section have been added to enhance user engagement.SummaryDifference100%
- Check24 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check31 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check39 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added a new figure of '1,399' while removing several key marketing and ecommerce capabilities, including global store creation and AI-powered search functionalities.SummaryDifference40%
- Check53 days agoChange DetectedNew product offerings have been introduced, including detailed plans for Marketing Cloud, Merchandising Cloud, Service Cloud, and Neto by Maropost, with various pricing tiers aimed at different business needs.SummaryDifference100%
- Check67 days agoChange DetectedThe copyright year has been updated from 2024 to 2025 for Maropost.SummaryDifference0.4%
- Check82 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added new content, while the previous offer for assistance has been removed.SummaryDifference1%
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