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Latest updates to the Newton Unified School District 373, Kansas Latest News page
- Check4 days agoChange DetectedNew additions include a parent survey aimed at reducing drug and alcohol use among youth, the February 2025 Choose Newton Community Calendar, and a dance clinic for children hosted by Hesston College, while several events including a Winter Classics concert and a new children's choir have been removed.SummaryDifference52%
- Check11 days agoChange DetectedExciting new events include the Winter Community Day at Hesston College on February 8, featuring free family activities, and the Go Green Leprechaun Run on March 15, 2025, with fun runs for all ages, while several previous events have been removed from the schedule.SummaryDifference22%
- Check18 days agoChange DetectedNew events include a dance clinic with the NHS Railiners, a Winter Classics concert by the Newton Mid-Kansas Symphony Orchestra, a Kansas Day celebration at Kauffman Museum, and the launch of a Prelude Choir for young students, while the Knights of Columbus free throw contest and a Girl Scout Safari Party have been removed.SummaryDifference50%
- Check26 days agoChange DetectedThe Fine Arts Booster Club is hosting a Hog Roast on February 14 to support arts programs, while multiple school closures due to inclement weather have been announced for January 7, 8, and 10, 2025.SummaryDifference27%
- Check33 days agoChange DetectedThe Youth Soccer Clinic and Youth Indoor Soccer League registration for January 2025 have been added, along with the January 2025 Choose Newton Community Calendar, while the Knights of Columbus annual free throw contest and several other events and programs have been removed.SummaryDifference19%
- Check40 days agoChange DetectedNew events include the Knights of Columbus free throw contest for ages 9-14 on January 12, 2025, and a STEAM activity for grades 2-4 at the Newton Public Library, while the previously listed basketball camp for boys and the Caregivers and Kids Dance have been removed.SummaryDifference33%
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