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- Check5 days agoChange DetectedA new reminder has been added urging property owners to trim trees for safe winter operations, while a previous announcement about Fire Prevention Week and the importance of smoke alarms has been removed.SummaryDifference27%
- Check12 days agoChange DetectedNorfolk welcomes Rita Heinemann as the new Executive Director of the Housing Agency, and the City Council celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Community Development Block Grant Program.SummaryDifference36%
- Check20 days agoChange DetectedRecent recognitions include Firefighter/Paramedic Ethan Larson by the Optimist Clubs and Julie Drahota receiving the Orville Stanton Distinguished Service Award at a housing conference, while previous announcements about soil borings and a parks award have been removed.SummaryDifference32%
- Check27 days agoChange DetectedRecent updates include a reminder for residents to blow out their sprinkler systems to prevent water main issues, an update on pickleball courts, and a live fire training exercise scheduled for October 3, while several previous announcements, including the appointment of a new City Clerk and a ribbon-cutting event for Johnson Park, have been removed.SummaryDifference100%
- Check34 days agoChange DetectedCenter Drive is temporarily closed for two weeks due to concrete improvement work, while two citizens were honored with Life Saver Awards for their heroic actions.SummaryDifference39%
- Check41 days agoChange DetectedSoil borings are scheduled to begin on September 26, 2024, along 25th Street for infrastructure assessments, with potential lane closures, while the update on the Kohler Softball Complex has been removed.SummaryDifference18%
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