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Latest updates to the Per Vices Pricing page

  1. Check
    7 days ago
    No Change Detected
  2. Check
    14 days ago
    No Change Detected
  3. Check
    21 days ago
    No Change Detected
  4. Check
    28 days ago
    No Change Detected
  5. Check
    35 days ago
    No Change Detected
  6. Check
    57 days ago
    Change Detected
    The website has seen a significant increase with 50,000 additions and 45,000 deletions, indicating a high level of activity and changes.
    Check dated 2024-07-08T23:15:46.000Z thumbnail image
  7. Check
    85 days ago
    Change Detected
    The value on the webpage has changed to CALAMINE $155,000, indicating a new product with a tuning range up to 40 GHz and 4 independent Rx radio chains.
    Check dated 2024-06-10T20:59:52.000Z thumbnail image
  8. Check
    98 days ago
    Change Detected
    The change on the webpage represents an update in pricing information for the products listed, possibly indicating a revision in the cost structure for the different kits and configurations offered.
    Check dated 2024-05-28T12:30:07.000Z thumbnail image
  9. Check
    102 days ago
    Change Detected
    The change on the webpage represents an increase in the price of the Cyan Mid configuration from $196,350 to $280,350, indicating a significant price adjustment for this particular product.
    Check dated 2024-05-24T12:42:27.000Z thumbnail image

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