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- Check7 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check14 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check21 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check29 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check36 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check144 days agoChange DetectedThe website is currently experiencing an HTTP ERROR 400, indicating a problem with the page, while several bid listings have been removed, including various open market bids and RFPs.SummaryDifference100%
- Check144 days agoChange DetectedThe website is currently experiencing an HTTP ERROR 400, indicating a problem with the page, while several bid listings have been removed, including various open market bids and RFPs.SummaryDifference100%
- Check151 days agoChange DetectedA new bid (Bid(11)) has been added with a deadline of September 5, 2024, while several bids including Bid(15) and others related to public services and restoration projects have been deleted.SummaryDifference26%
- Check158 days agoChange DetectedNew bids added include the Mt. Tabor Reservoir 6 Historic Fence Lighting Restoration and the West Lents Floodplain Restoration Project, while several bids including TKE Elevators at the Justice Center have been removed.SummaryDifference27%
- Check165 days agoChange DetectedNew bids have been added for various projects including elevator consulting services and client transportation, while several previous bids related to fuel provision and sewer rehabilitation have been removed.SummaryDifference100%
- Check172 days agoChange DetectedA new bid (Bid 12) has been added for the period from August 6, 2024, to September 6, 2024, while Bid 13 related to Cindy Phillips' RFP for lifeguard chairs has been deleted.SummaryDifference9%
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