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- Check7 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check14 days agoChange DetectedThree new on-call service bids have been added, all due on 09/19/24, while one closed bid for patient simulators has been removed.SummaryDifference12%
- Check21 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added a section for Returning Students while removing information related to the Re-Admit process and a closed bid for snow removal services.SummaryDifference4%
- Check28 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check35 days agoChange DetectedThe status has changed from 'Open' to 'Closed' for the item due on 07/31/24 at 02:00 pm.SummaryDifference2%
- Check61 days agoChange DetectedThe website has been updated to reflect the name change from Gross Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies to Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies.SummaryDifference0.1%
- Check62 days agoChange DetectedThe website now shows that a task has been closed as it was past the due date.SummaryDifference2%
- Check70 days agoChange DetectedThe value of Open - Due: 07/02/24 02:00 pm has been updated to Open - Due: 07/09/24 02:00 pm, indicating a change in the due date for the Snow Removal Services bid on the Purchasing Department webpage.SummaryDifference0.3%
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