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    3 days ago
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    10 days ago
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    17 days ago
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    Reps. Lynch and Pressley have announced an agreement to keep Steward Hospitals open, while Rep. Lynch has stepped down from his role as the lead Democrat in a bipartisan working group on artificial intelligence.
    Check dated 2024-08-21T00:03:41.000Z thumbnail image
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    24 days ago
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    31 days ago
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    73 days ago
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    The recent change in the webpage content indicates that Rep. Lynch has transitioned from being a participant in a workshop for town officials on accessing federal grants to hosting a bipartisan financial services members meeting at MIT for an artificial intelligence working group.
    Check dated 2024-06-26T09:54:34.000Z thumbnail image
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    90 days ago
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    The recent change in the webpage content now includes Rep. Lynch co-hosting a workshop for town officials on accessing federal grants, in addition to the previous updates on securing funding for the Bill McGonagle Community Center and the 8th District community projects, as well as being named lead Democrat to a new bipartisan working group on artificial intelligence.
    Check dated 2024-06-08T18:36:35.000Z thumbnail image
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    120 days ago
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    The value 'FY25 Appropriations Request Forms' has recently changed to an empty string on the webpage, indicating a possible update or removal of that information.
    Check dated 2024-05-10T08:17:18.000Z thumbnail image
  9. Check
    122 days ago
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    The value of funding secured for the 'Bill McGonagle Community Center' in the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing Development has changed from $850K to over $15.1M, representing a significant increase in federal funding for 8th District community projects.
    Check dated 2024-05-07T15:42:16.000Z thumbnail image

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