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  1. Check
    7 days ago
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    14 days ago
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    21 days ago
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    28 days ago
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    35 days ago
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    41 days ago
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    Tesla has released its financial results for the second quarter of 2024, replacing the previous update on its fourth quarter and full year 2023 results.
    Check dated 2024-07-24T16:49:33.000Z thumbnail image
  7. Check
    63 days ago
    Change Detected
    The value 563 has recently changed to Tesla Vehicle Production & Deliveries and Date for Financial Results & Webcast for Second Quarter 2024, indicating an update on the production and delivery figures for the second quarter of 2024.
    Check dated 2024-07-02T15:35:48.000Z thumbnail image
  8. Check
    81 days ago
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    The value 562 has recently changed to Tesla Releases Results of 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders on June 13, 2024, where Tesla stockholders approved the ratification of the 2018 CEO Performance Award and the redomestication of the Company to Texas.
    Check dated 2024-06-15T02:37:24.000Z thumbnail image
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    126 days ago
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    The value of Footer has recently changed to . This change may indicate a modification or update to the footer section of the webpage.
    Check dated 2024-04-30T20:13:08.000Z thumbnail image
  10. Check
    132 days ago
    Change Detected
    The value for Vehicle Production & Deliveries and Date for First Quarter 2024 has been updated to indicate that in the first quarter, Tesla produced over 433,000 vehicles and delivered approximately 387,000 vehicles, along with deploying 4,053 MWh of energy storage products.
    Check dated 2024-04-24T15:54:28.000Z thumbnail image
  11. Check
    154 days ago
    Change Detected
    Tesla has updated its financial results for the first quarter of 2024, reporting over 433,000 vehicles produced and approximately 387,000 vehicles delivered, along with the deployment of 4,053 MWh of energy storage products, marking the highest quarterly deployment to date.
    Check dated 2024-04-03T01:14:54.000Z thumbnail image

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