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Latest updates to the Union Township School District, New Jersey Latest News page

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    2 days ago
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    3 days ago
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    8 days ago
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    The most interesting change is the addition of new content to the website.
    Check dated 2024-07-19T11:17:47.000Z thumbnail image
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    9 days ago
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    The website has announced that summer classes at Franklin on 7/17 are canceled due to a power outage, with an alert issued for this change.
    Check dated 2024-07-18T10:46:50.000Z thumbnail image
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    43 days ago
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    The Union Township Board of Education Meeting scheduled for 9/25 has been changed to 9/27.
    Check dated 2024-06-14T02:00:38.000Z thumbnail image
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    50 days ago
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    The value 'Strategic Planning 2024 Final Strategic Planning Session Details' has been updated to 'Strategic Plan for 2024 - 2027'. This change likely signifies a shift in the focus and timeline of the strategic planning process on the webpage.
    Check dated 2024-06-06T16:06:32.000Z thumbnail image
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    66 days ago
    Change Detected
    The value 'Linking with Leadership Zoom Link' has been updated to 'Union Township Board of Education Meeting Change Notice Meeting Change from 9/25 to 9/27'. This change likely represents an important update or announcement regarding the upcoming Board of Education meeting schedule.
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    67 days ago
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    The value 'Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder Presented by Robert Dearey an Occupational Therapist' has been replaced with 'NJASCD Emerging Leader Mrs. Rhonda Pevorus was recently honored as an Emerging Leader by the New Jersey Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (NJASCD).' This change represents an update on the recognition received by Mrs. Rhonda Pevorus for her leadership in education.
    Check dated 2024-05-20T23:01:44.000Z thumbnail image

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