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Latest updates to the University of Arkansas at Little Rock RFPs page
- Check4 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check11 days agoChange DetectedThe website has announced the intent to award FB-25-012 to Van Wagner Sports & Entertainment, LLC.SummaryDifference0.5%
- Check18 days agoChange DetectedNew documents added include the Intent to Award and Final Bid Tab for CB-25-040, with Inert Corporation being awarded the contract.SummaryDifference0.5%
- Check25 days agoChange DetectedNew additions include the CB-25-040 Glove Box solicitation and RFP Addendum #2 with accompanying Q&A, indicating important updates for potential bidders.SummaryDifference0.8%
- Check61 days agoChange DetectedNew additions include FB-25-002 RFP Addendum #1 and details about the FB-25-002 RFP Bidders Conference.SummaryDifference0.4%
- Check83 days agoChange DetectedNew RFPs for Dining and Catering Service Management and related documents have been added, along with RFQ Questions & Answers and a Final Bid Tab.SummaryDifference2%
- Check90 days agoChange DetectedNew additions include multiple documents related to the FB-25-019 IFB solicitation and an addendum for FB-25-012, while a scheduled event on November 18, 2024, has been removed.SummaryDifference3%
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