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Latest updates to the University of the District of Columbia RFPs page
- Check3 days agoChange DetectedThe page has added a new amendment titled 'Amendment 002'.SummaryDifference0.2%
- Check10 days agoChange DetectedThe web page has been updated to include new feasibility studies and consulting services related to the reconstruction of specific buildings, while several operational solicitations, including a bookstore management services RFP and a branding and marketing services RFP, have been removed.SummaryDifference11%
- Check17 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check24 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check31 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check46 days agoChange DetectedThe copyright year has been updated from 2024 to 2025 for the University of the District of Columbia.SummaryDifference0.2%
- Check111 days agoChange DetectedThe website has undergone significant deletions, removing numerous sections related to programs, services, and administrative information, which may impact user navigation and access to resources.SummaryDifference20%
- Check118 days agoChange DetectedAn important new addition has been made: Amendment 005.SummaryDifference0.2%
- Check125 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added a comprehensive menu featuring new sections on the CBE Awareness Program, procurement processes, academic services, and various student resources, enhancing navigation and accessibility for users.SummaryDifference25%
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