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Latest updates to the Veronica Escobar, Democrat, US Representative, Texas page

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    8 days ago
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    15 days ago
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    22 days ago
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    29 days ago
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    Congresswoman Veronica Escobar has made significant statements regarding the 80th anniversary of D-Day, a new immigration executive order, and introduced the Active Shooter Alert Act, while recent updates on the FAA Reauthorization and the Congressional Art Competition have been removed.
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    43 days ago
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    Congresswoman Veronica Escobar has recently advanced a key defense bill and issued a statement regarding Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's upcoming address to Congress, while previous news about the end of a federal internet subsidy affecting El Paso households has been removed.
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    55 days ago
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    Congresswoman Escobar voted for the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 and introduced the Pigs and Public Health Act of 2024, focusing on aviation and public health legislation.
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    57 days ago
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    Congresswoman Escobar announced a $30 million grant for the City of El Paso Mass Transit Department, emphasizing the investment of federal dollars in the community.
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    68 days ago
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    The web page has been updated to reflect recent activities by Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, including urging Speaker Johnson to fund affordable internet and leading a letter to the Dutch Government on repatriation issues.
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    74 days ago
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    The value on the webpage has changed to 'X Subscribe to my newsletter to receive the latest updates from the 16th District of Texas.' This change indicates an update in the subscription message on the webpage.
    Check dated 2024-06-23T07:08:58.000Z thumbnail image

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