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- Check3 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check10 days agoChange DetectedThe web page has added email notification options for Lap Swim and Veterans Memorial Pool, enhancing user engagement and communication regarding these activities.SummaryDifference2%
- Check17 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check24 days agoNo Change Detected
- Check31 days agoChange DetectedThe web page has added a new section titled 'Services Government Our City I Want To...', indicating a potential expansion of services or information available to users.SummaryDifference1%
- Check39 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added new content, while several sections related to government services and city information have been removed.SummaryDifference1%
- Check46 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added new content, while several details related to utility billing autopay issues and reCAPTCHA have been removed.SummaryDifference3%
- Check53 days agoChange DetectedNew information has been added regarding the utility billing autopay payment issue, along with a reCAPTCHA feature and links to privacy and terms.SummaryDifference3%
- Check96 days agoChange DetectedMost City offices and facilities will be closed on Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving.SummaryDifference4%
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