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Latest updates to the Wolcott School District, Vermont RFPs page
- Check3 days agoChange DetectedDifference31%
- Check10 days agoChange DetectedThe webpage has added significant content about local community resources, including details about Wolcott Elementary School and the Wolcott Post Office, while removing information about cemeteries and the fire department.SummaryDifference48%
- Check17 days agoChange DetectedThe web page has added information about the Library's support structure and the historical significance of cemeteries in Wolcott, as well as details about the Wolcott Volunteer Fire Department's origins and relocation. However, the mention of Wolcott Pond has been removed.SummaryDifference38%
- Check24 days agoChange DetectedThe page has been updated to include information about cemeteries while removing references to an elementary school.SummaryDifference1%
- Check32 days agoChange DetectedThe webpage has removed significant content related to community resources, including descriptions of the Wolcott Elementary School, the Wolcott Volunteer Fire Department, and Wolcott Pond, while adding a feature for text message alerts.SummaryDifference42%
- Check39 days agoChange DetectedThe website has added information about the Wolcott Volunteer Fire Department and Wolcott Pond, including their history and features, while removing details about community resources such as cemeteries and the post office.SummaryDifference78%
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