Top AI-Powered Website Monitoring Tools in 2024

By Emily Fenton

Updated January 26, 2024

Top AI-Powered Website Monitoring Tools in 2024


There are many different kinds of automated monitoring tools that track the web for updates that impact your business. Whether that be, for example, new content in the search results that mention your brand, tracking competitor price changes, updated ads from your resellers that are non-compliant, or unexpected updates on your website with visual regression testing.

Collecting this information is vital for making sure your marketing campaigns and competitive strategy are backed with up-to-date data, that you and your partners are maintaining compliance, that your homepage is in tip-top shape to be maximizing conversions, etc.

Of course, you’re not going to delegate an employee to manually check these web sources and record changes in a spreadsheet everyday. This approach is subject to human error, it’s an inefficient use of their salary, and it increases the chances of delayed responses.

Nowadays, automated tools do the work for you. Teams in marketing, competitive intelligence, IT and compliance, for example, use website change monitoring tools.

With artificial intelligence (AI) now the norm, many of these tools have integrated AI-powered functionalities into their platform. This helps users stay on top of relevant updates faster and more easily.

Depending on your goals and what exactly you’re after, there are a number of website tracking and social listening tools available. Here’s a list of some of the best AI web monitoring software in 2024.

Top AI Website Monitoring Tools 2024

1) Visualping

Monitor, Analyze and Get Notified of Web Changes from Anywhere

Visualping is a website change monitoring tool that makes it easy to monitor any web page with AI – code-free.

When Visualping detects a change, you get an email alert with a screenshot of the page, the changes highlighted, so it’s easy to understand the update.

And, as one of the best web scraper tools, you can extract data from websites, in the form of HTML code, and convert it into a usable structured format – either in a spreadsheet, like with the Google Sheets integration, or in an API. You can turn any web page into an API.

Whereas other web change monitoring tools simply notify you when there’s an update, Visualping’s email alerts also feature an AI-generated summary of the page changes (more on this below). This is part of Visualping AI, a suite of AI functionalities designed to make monitoring the web for changes easier and faster.

Get started with the top AI website monitoring tool

Sign up to monitor, analyze and get notified of changes with AI.
STEP 1: Enter the URL you want to monitor
STEP 2: Enter your email address

The updates are distilled into 2 or 3 lines, so you can quickly understand what happened and see if it’s relevant to your monitoring objective.

As a scraper, you can crawl pages on demand, schedule and crawl jobs in bulk, and even customize your scraping with advanced features – like crawling a web source for certain keywords of interest.

Top AI Features

While Visualping has used data science and machine learning in its tracking technology for years now, it now has several AI functionalities that set it apart from its counterparts.

Read the Summary, Skip the Details, with Summarizer™

With Summarizer, you get concise AI-generated summaries of page changes in the alerts you receive. Instead of merely notifying you when an update has occurred, Summarizer™ distills the updates into 2 or 3 lines, making it easy for you to understand what happened faster.


Understand the Impact, Not the Change, with Analyzer™

Analyzer™ is like an upgraded version of summarizer. Visualping for Business users, who’ve purchased a support package, can make their own custom prompts of exactly what they care about on the page. Their summaries, then, are tailored to their monitoring objective, and interpret the page update according to their specific needs.


How Does Visualping Work?

While it has advanced monitoring features like filtering alerts for certain keywords, or generating custom reports to review many alerts in a one snapshot, it’s easy to use.


Just go to the homepage and copy and paste the URL you want to monitor in the search field.

Select the area of the page you want to get updates on, whether you want to monitor visual, text or HTML changes, select the frequency in which you want the page checked, and enter your email address.

Visualping will notify you when the page, or that part of the page, changes.

2) Brandwatch

All-in-one suite for your social media channels

The ability to track, analyze, and extract insights from billions of online conversations on websites and social media is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses.

Brandwatch monitors and analyzes daily online chatter, enabling businesses to understand consumer insights, discover trends, identify influencers, and evaluate brand perception.

It monitors online discussions across various web platforms, including blogs, news websites, forums, videos, Twitter, Facebook and reviews.

You can get a deeper understanding of your consumers, market trends, prominent influencers and your brand’s overall image online.

Key AI Features

Consumer intelligence platform: this feature provides you with a comprehensive understanding of your consumer base. It collects millions of social media posts, comments, and conversations relevant to a brand, organizes them, and uses AI to identify valuable insights.

Social media management solution: a part of Brandwatch’s suite, the social media management solution provides a set of tools for capturing, analyzing, and distributing relevant business insights about their social media data.

Powerful developer APIs: Brandwatch’s suite can connect with other third-party systems. This allows users to take full advantage of consumer conversations and derived insights to maximize the capabilities of their existing sales and marketing solutions.

3) Hexometer

24/7 website monitoring

You need to protect your site from issues like server outages, security errors, poor performance and responsiveness.

Hexometer is a website uptime monitoring SaaS tool for automatically catching website issues using AI to do so. It alerts you and your teammates whenever these issues hit your website, so you can resolve the issues right away and prevent any adverse impacts to your business.

It provides website monitoring to check for errors, and analyze the page speed, user experience, and vulnerability to fix issues and ultimately improve your site’s ability to generate sales.

The AI website monitoring tool checks six core website areas:

  • Availability
  • Performance
  • User experience
  • Health
  • SEO and
  • Security

Key AI Features

Availability Monitoring. It checks web pages for availability to make sure the site is live on an ongoing basis. You can choose from standard monitoring, or advanced monitoring, to make sure it doesn’t miss any page or service issues.

The reports of downtimes and HTTP response times can be accessed from the dashboard. You can also export them into Google Sheets or CSV.

Performance Monitoring. This feature looks out for lags and errors, which cause slower page loading and impedes the performance and user experience of your site. You can view speed issues for both desktop and mobile devices.

You can also can carry out on-demand performance checks by scheduling the crawlers to check daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your plan.

Site Health Monitoring. Broken links, missing assets, code errors and page structures are all things that impact the health of your website, due to website updates, third-party service changes, and server problems. Poor site health can leave a bad impression on your traffic.

Hexometer carries out health monitoring on these four components on your site:

  • URLs
  • W3C markup
  • JavaScript errors
  • Tech stack

4) Fluxguard

AI Web Monitoring to Summarize and Evaluate Web Changes

Fluxguard is similar to Visualping in that it’s an AI website monitoring tool that detects page changes, and sends you email alerts when an update occurs. Like Visualping, you can get notified of visual, text and HTML updates.

Fluxguard offers screenshot comparisons, text change detection, and interactive version renderings. It also offers intelligent filtering to help you get more relevant alerts, such as keyword alerts, only checking certain pages on a site, and DOM elements.

Key AI features

Fluxguard’s AI functionalities are not as comprehensive as Visualping’s.

AI-curated change reports. Besides using automation to check for changes, Fluxguard’s email alerts can include AI-generated summaries of the change, referred to as reports.

You can also review side-by-side HTML comparisons, screenshot sliders, network activity differences, and before-and-after side-by-side comparisons. You can see a live example here.

5) BuzzSumo

Social Listening and Content Marketing on Steroids

BuzzSumo is a great AI solution for researching and analyzing the website content of your competitors. It shows you the most engaging and shareable content in any industry or niche, which you can use to inspire your content team with new ideas, identify trending topics and content formats that resonate with your target audience, as well as analyze backlinks, shares and other metrics for competitive intelligence.

Marketers can then use these insights to create highly relevant and compelling content that drives engagement, builds brand authority, and attracts a larger audience.

Key AI Features

AI-powered media database. PR and content marketing platform BuzzSumo has launched an artificial intelligence-powered media database.

The directory includes entries for more than 700,000 journalists from 7,000 global publications. It is also integrated with BuzzSumo's content index of 8 billion articles and 300 trillion social engagements, providing a view into journalists and the subjects they cover.

It even provides alerts when a journalist publishes a new story.

AI-generated pitches. To support PR pros' needs, the above directory is integrated with BuzzSumo's pitching and content analysis tools. You can customize AI-generated pitch templates based on information provided on a journalist's card and track their outreach based on when a pitch is opened, forwarded or replied to, the company said in a statement.

The Bottomline

There are many different kinds of automated monitoring tools that track the web and social media for updates that impact your business. Maybe you’re after specific mentions of your brand online, price and product updates from your competitors, or changes on your own website for regression monitoring.

With AI exploding into the mainstream, you can use AI-powered website monitoring tools to stay on top of, and analyze, website changes even more efficiently.

Want to monitor web changes that impact your business?

Sign up with Visualping to get alerted of important updates, from anywhere online.

Emily Fenton

Emily is the Product Marketing Manager at Visualping. She has a degree in English Literature and a Masters in Management. When she’s not researching and writing about all things Visualping, she loves exploring new restaurants, playing guitar and petting her cats